For best consideration, complete applications should be received before February 17, 2025.
Complete information is available on the Search Profile.
Lincoln Memorial University (LMU), a comprehensive values-based learning community dedicated to providing quality educational experiences at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels, seeks a Vice President for Research and Grants.
The Vice President for Research and Grants (VPRG) is the chief research officer and is responsible for:
• Furthering the development of the University’s research endeavor to include Public Health Service compliance in the pursuit of Animal Welfare Assurance number;
• Providing effective leadership to all administrative research units at Lincoln Memorial University (LMU);
• Nurturing excellent research, scholarship, and creative activity conducted by faculty, staff, and students;
• Engaging in effective and transparent decision making in consultation with key stakeholders; and
• Working with the University and school administration in establishing new research programs and directions to promote and enhance the University’s contribution to new knowledge and the national standing of LMU.
The VPRG submits the annual operational plans and budgets for all matters pertaining to the University’s centralized research support and infrastructure activities to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (EVPAA). Also, they report to the EVPAA on day-to-day operational matters relative to research infrastructure and services and provide periodic reports, at least annually, on the operational effectiveness of University research efforts.
The VPRG leads the University Committee on Scholarly Activities comprised of the Deans to promote, assess, and advance research interactions among schools. They oversee the Office of Research, Grants and Sponsored Programs (ORGSP) and work closely with Deans to ensure compliance and integrate the teaching and research in a manner consistent with the mission of LMU. They will also lead the effort to enable LMU to receive federal grant funding involving animal research.
• Develops plans for all matters pertaining to the University’s centralized research support and infrastructure activities.
• Reports periodically, and at least annually, to the EVPAA on the operational and performance effectiveness of the centrally-funded support units with systematic input from the research community, develops and implements strategies to continuously improve the infrastructure and services provided by the division.
• Leads, manages, and holds institutional responsibility for the research infrastructure and services including the following units: Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Biological & Chemical Safety Committee (IBC), Office of Research, Grants & Sponsored Programs (ORGSP), research components of Occupational Health and Safety, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and the Animal Research Program.
• Advises the EVPAA on strategic plans for development and renovation of research space.
• Acts for the EVPAA in the review and approval of proposals for extramural funding and in the acceptance of extramural grants and contracts for research, training, and services and monitors compliance with the agency guidelines.
• Works with the EVPAA and the Deans in identifying and establishing liaisons with government agencies, private industry, corporations, and foundations that will provide support for basic and applied research at the University.
• Provides external stakeholders such as government agencies, private industry, corporations, and foundations with information on the research, training, and service capabilities of the University.
• Acts for the EVPAA in implementing the University’s agreements with agencies, corporations, foundations, and similar organizations in the conduct of research and development activities.
• Provides leadership and management in reviews and assessments on proposals for large-scale research activities such as centralized research facilities, interdisciplinary research programs, and inter-institutional research agreements.
• Promotes the importance and creative value of faculty research to the broader community.
• Manages University-wide research programs and other centralized programs and facilities.
• Leads, mentors, and develops research staff.
• Is attentive to updates in federal research requirements as well as research trends and best practices.
• Supports academic efforts to engage students in the research enterprise and experience.
• Encourages and assists faculty and other University personnel in developing opportunities for patents, licensing, and technology transfer.
• Works with the EVPAA, Deans, and faculty to develop and stimulate participation in activities that encourage interaction between the University and the private sector in research activities.
• Represents the interests of the faculty in the fiscal administration of sponsored research.
• Promotes research integrity and responsibility and ensures that all University personnel adhere to regulations, policies, procedures, and strict standards of ethical conduct in planning, performing, and reporting research and scholarly activity.
• Undertakes additional assignments in research affairs at the discretion of the EVPAA.
• Performs other duties as assigned.
• Earned doctoral degree from an accredited institution
• At least three years of success (beyond the role of a PI and/or Co-PI) in securing and administering grants from various sources including federal agencies such as the NIH
• Demonstrated effectiveness in administration and management of a complex institutional organization or unit
• Multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals
• Research Administrator Certification (CRA)
Harrogate is serenely located next to one of the most beautiful areas in East Tennessee—Cumberland Gap National Park. A small town, with a population of 4,400, Harrogate sits on the borders of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia, with many attractions and activities.
While the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum is located at Lincoln Memorial University, the town is also known for the scenic hiking trails, overlooks, and sites at the Cumberland Gap National Historic Park, Olde Towne Cumberland Gap Ghost Tours, as well as the Little Congress Bicycle Museum, and its collection of vintage bikes, and Harrogate City Park.
Public schools in area include Ellen Myers Elementary, H. Y. Livesay Middle School, and Forge Ridge Consolidated School. Cumberland Gap High School is located in Harrogate. Neighboring Cumberland Gap is also home to Tri-State Christian Academy.
Nearby hospitals include Middlesboro ARH Hospital, the LaFollette Medical Center, and the Claiborne Medical Center.
If the thrill of urban adventure calls, Knoxville is only an hour drive southwest. Situated along the banks of the Tennessee River, Knoxville can thrill with the World’s Fair Park, Knoxville Zoo, McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture, along with an exciting downtown scene.